Paul Hertzog
This is the complete soundtrack, containing the original score as heard on our previous release, PLUS 9 of the 10 original songs from the ultimate Jean-Claude Van Damme movie that launched his career. Digitally remastered, with new liner notes by Gergely Hubai that explain in depth the difference between our two Kickboxer albums and the history behind one of the greatest soundtracks of the Eighties.
It features no less than THREE songs by 80's cult icon Stan Bush, as well as the beautiful ballad "Love is the Way", performed by Craig Copeland. This song was originally envisioned for the end titles, but was later dropped in favor of a more action-oriented piece.
We only had access to masters of 9 of the original 10 songs from the German CD. Therefore, the song "I Won't Stay" by Lucinda Ramseur has been omitted.
A special thank you goes out to Paul Hertzog, Stan Bush, Craig Copeland, Mike Piccirillo and David Chackler for making this release possible.
Limited to 3,000 units.
Track Listing
1 Streets of Siam 3:51 (performed by Stan Bush)
2 To The Hospital/We’ll See 1:15
3 Groceries 1:48
4 Very Stupid 0:45
5 Tai Chi 2:55
6 First Kiss 0:53
7 Stone City 2:33
8 Second Stone 0:52
9 Hospital 2:21
10 Palm Tree 0:30
11 Advanced Training 1:47
12 Ancient Voices 2:07
13 Mylee Is The Way 1:31
14 Warriors 0:44
15 Buddha’s Eagle 1:01
16 Kidnap 1:01
17 You’ve Done It Before 1:45
18 Downstairs 0:54
19 Round One 2:11
20 Round Two 1:36
21 The Hook 1:31
22 Round Three 1:31
23 The Eagle Lands 4:02
24 Never Surrender 4:38 (performed by Stan Bush)
25 Fight for Love 3:22 (performed by Stan Bush)
26 How Do You Keep Me Comin’ Back 3:34 (performed by Terry Wood)
27 Chack’s Stew 3:25 (performed by Jamboxx)
28 Roll with the Punches 3:38 (performed by Michael Logan)
29 Feeling So Good Today 4:12 (performed by Beau Williams)
Bonus Tracks
30 The Eagle Lands (album mix) 4:33
31 Love is the Way (original end title) 5:27 (performed by Craig Copeland)
Posted by Anatolij Kaiser on 7th Aug 2014
First of all a big thank you goes out to Robin for making this all possible!
Years ago I thought myself about going out and searching for these composers, and asking them for releasing an official original Soundtrack.
Robin is the man who did it, he made my dreams come true, because of this he and his label will remain for me immortal and unforgettable like the movies.
This is now the 3. Kickboxer Soundtrack in my collection and it is a must-have for fans. This one combines the other 2 Soundtracks, which are a Songs-only-Soundtrack (by label Global-Satellite) and a Score-only-Soundtrack (The first Kickboxer Soundtrack here by Perseverance Records).
If you want to own only one you should pick this one. I'm such a huge fan I don't want to miss any of these. Especially the first release of Kickboxer the "Score-only-Soundtrack" has 12 pages of a lot of nice information, stories & photos in the booklet, which make it really special.
This one has 8 pages with some excerpts of the first one and also new information.
Really interesting stories about the development of the soundtrack.
I'm so surprised how fast the composers did their job, so great melodys in so little time. And Mike Piccirillo's story about writing four great songs in one week is just unbelieveable!
Paul Hertzog and the others should really be today in the movie soundtrack business.
Maybe the last chance if Van Damme will do a remake of Bloodsport? Why not getting in contact with him through facebook?
Back to Soundtrack:
The songs and instrumental score make so much fun to listen, I think everybody knows it, absolutely great music like the movie.
As on the top of this page mentioned the song "I Won't Stay by Lucinda Ramseur" is not on this soundtrack,
for me this song was never really interesting, it plays a very small role in the movie, so I don't think someone will miss it. And as long as it was already released on another soundtrack, we are happy. I can say thank God, THAT song is affected, and not anyone of the others, because the others are the really interesting ones.
At this point I have to mention there are 2 great "bonus" tracks of Kickboxer on the soundtrack "Best Of Jean Claude Van Damme Vol. 2" (1992). Track 6: "Buddha's Eagle" (4:21) Made by Michael Duwe, Norbert Schultz & Paul Hertzog and track 7: "Fight For Love" (3:46) Made by Michael Duwe, Norbert Schultz & Barry Keenan
These tracks are kind of written extra for the soundtrack, but don't appear in the movie in that way. The one is a long inspiration/meditation song and the other an instrumental song of Fight For Love. It would be great if they were also here on this release as bonus, but no problem, we are happy to have them at least somewhere.
I just wanted to mention it here for the Kickboxer fans. 2 great bonus tracks you should also check out!
Now some in-depth analysis about the mastering of this soundtrack:
I compared the songs of the Songs-only-Soundtrack (label: Global Satellite) with this soundtrack, and can say the songs on this soundtrack were mastered louder, of course. Everybody should already know that today's music is released as loud as it can be done, but still sounding good.
We all pray that nobody puts the compression of the dynamic too hard. (Plz NO Loudness War)
Here I can say Chas Ferry and Jimmy O'Neal have done a good job. You won't hear any digital clippings or a too compressed sound.
7 of the songs are about 7db louder than on the Global-Satellite soundtrack, "Streets Of Siam" 9db and "Never Surrender" 5db louder.
And the Global-Satellite songs were not even normalized. So the compression is not that big and you won't hear a difference if you compare the songs with the same loudness level.
With this mastering you can hear the music better on less powerful speakers and so on.
The songs quality is very good, as we could already hear on the older soundtracks, the masters are the same, so nothing was modified beside the loudness level.
About the score tracks:
I compared the score tracks of the both Kickboxer releases of Perseverance Records.
I analyzed this soundtrack has a volume limit (headroom)
on each track of 0,73db.
But the first Kickboxer release of Perseverance Records has tracks with 0db volume limit.
Tracks 12 (Ancient Voices) and 14-18 have the same headroom.
So I guess maybe this mastering is better as it is not so aggressive for the speakers (especially old ones), which don't like to play tracks with the limit of 0db. Or maybe there's another reason?
Apart from that the score tracks have exactly the same beginnings, the endings vary in length just a little bit, but the endings music is the same. Nothing modified beside the different headroom limit on some tracks as I told.
So buy fans! Buy this soundtrack as long as you can! These soundtracks should increase their values in future. Then you won't get it that easy for that great prize!
Some critics:
The original lyrics would be great to have in the booklet, because Internet-lyrics can have mistakes, if you ever find some.
The only Kickboxer soundtrack I don't know about is this:
Maybe someone can give me information about it and the tracklist?
BTW did you know Rochelle Ashana had her own channel on youtube? Sadly not active any more
Posted by Kage Alan on 10th Jul 2014
Some soundtracks stay with you after a film and manage to sound better on CD than you ever thought they could. Paul Hertzog's score sounds phenemonal (with the additional tracks by Stan Bush and others)! I'll admit I was a tiny bit hesitant while ordering it, but now that I've heard it? It's an excellent addition to my library.